how to start import export as career

In a growing country exports plays an major role in bosting economy of the country when foreign money comes in India

In this date there is a big competition in every field if your product quality is good you will surely succeed, in this article i am giving simple idea how to start import export career as beginner.

1) get a knowledge

when you work as a agent helping people to do export or working in firm making documents and preparing procedures for export so you initially get knowledge and you are confident in that field that's the first step or study in an organization get a diploma a certification courses who will provide you placements which will help you to earn and get knowledge side by side.

2) Ask for money

after working in the field developing years of contacts you can ask help from family, friends  even you can take loan from the bank when you are sure about the product and buyer, if you have saved money you can start from small amount if the product is good you will get future orders its totally upon you how to source the product and get profit.

3) Make a website

Develop a good website where you can list the products and make trust between you and the overseas buyers be active in it and also make attractive pages in social media where you make post subjecting to your products and your company.

4) Make a business plan

write your all plans share to others make decision how your export can be profitable and demanding in future can you really compete with this product in the market  no bank will finance your transaction without a business plan.

5) Clearance and Process

make a proper documents relating to your products each and every license has to be updated hire a CHA or experts who will calculate freight charges and exemption duty which will be relieved by the government.

thank you for reading


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